Whereas Allopathy cures disease, Ayurveda gives thrust on holistic and natural therapies which cure the patient. Balancing the mind and body of patients, Ayurvedic herbs cure the physical body with medicines abundantly available in nature.
Unlike Allopathic medicines which are being used as a reactive mechanism to fight disease once it occurs, Ayurvedic herbs are being used to strengthen and nourish the body and soul of patient. According to Ayurveda, a person is blend of three doshas, or vital energies within the body, i.e. Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Evidently, each person is born with an optimal balance and a unique harmony among the three doshas and any ailment occurs for the reason that there is some imbalance in the three. Therefore, Ayurveda suggests that a person should always maintain balance among the three doshas by living healthy lifestyle.
Additionally, <a rel=”nofollow” onclick=”javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/1310161']);” href=”http://www.indiaabundance.com”>Ayurveda India</a> suggests that using herbs in the purest form is vital for health and body. A healthy lifestyle, i.e. proper diet, physical exercise, and meditation, etc. are some essential requirements for vitality and vigor. Notwithstanding, despite all the precautions and adherence to the given norm by Ayurveda people could fall ill and in such a scenario a regimen of detoxification or purging herbs to initially rid the body of negative toxins followed by beneficial herbs is done to restore the balance of the three doshas.
Triphala is an Ayurvedic formula which cures gastrointestinal health problems including of digestion. Ashwagandha on the other hand, de-stresses the body and soul. It revitalizes the whole personality and saves from modern day lifestyle issues. Guduchi is another herbal product from Ayurveda which is used for the development of immune system and enhancement of the function of protective cells, i.e. macrophages.
To purify a rejuvenate body and soul Guggul is the best option in Ayurveda. It is one of the oldest and popular Ayurvedic medicine used to promote healthy cholesterol levels already within the normal range in a person. Ayurveda does not only offer treatment for sickness or ailments, it also offers successful formula to increase sex power. Shilajit today is used mainly to increase male libido. The Sanskrit meaning of Shilajit is ‘conqueror of mountains and destroyer of weaknesses and truly this one works wonderfully for millions of patients.
When the modern day lifestyle has cost havoc on people’s health, Diabetes and hair fall have become a deadly issues. Ayurveda offers successful medication for Diabetes through Bitter Melon, also known as Bitter Gourd and Karela. Ayurveda tells that it regulates blood sugar levels within the normal limits. Ayurvedic herbs such as Amla, Brahmi, Bhrangraj, etc. are used for extracting oil which is suitable for preventing hair fall.
Nicholas Tan Associated with Himalaya Drugs Company takes pain to research well before launching any Himalaya health care products.