Below is a letter from a doctor, Dr. Partap Chauhan, he is expert in Ayurvedic medication and this is information or an answer he had given to my friend about candida.
As yeast infections is known to all, that it is difficult disease, but I am hopeful that you will become healthy, although it might take sometime as your sickness mainly originates from the subtle (psychological) level.
As I have written before According to ayurveda it is vataj disease. This vata is increased due to some trauma or accident. There are many vata diseases, In them it may be compared to “mansa medha ghat vata” means when aggravated vata is present in muscles,tendon and ligaments and it produces
pain, stiffness and tightness of them. Degeneration is an indication of vata aggravation. So it causes degeneration of muscles, tendons and ligaments.
Secondly I have noticed your minute digestion is not correct. This may result in to two or three bowel movements. According to Ayurveda philosophy, the food we eat is digested and nutrient plasma is produced. This nutrient plasma gives nourishment to various body tissues through various channels. But if digestion is impaired and toxins or ama is produced instead of healthy nutrient plasma. This circulates through various channels with nutrient plasma. As it is heavier in density than nutrient plasma, thus accumulates in various channels. So various body tissues do not get proper nourishment, and they are weakened and thus indication of fatigue occurs.
Next, I have noticed that you have stress and anxiety in your life. Stress and anxiety causes weakness of nervous system and weak nervous system makes you more sensitive towards the symptoms. Weak nervous system also causes aggravation of vata dosa.
So line of treatment is to: 1. balance the “vata dosha” and use rasayana and rejuvenating herbs which will give strength to muscles.
2. Improve digestion, so that toxins are not produced
3. Cleanse the blockage of channels
4. Relax your mind
So you should make some changes in your diet and life style.
I have seen that you are very careful about your diet. You need some diet which will give strength to your muscles, but make sure such diet should be easily digested. So you should take diet which should be warm, fresh, unctuous, not too light and dry. You should avoid very fried, spicy foods. White flour and white sugar products should be avoided, as these increase a lot of vata in the body. Foods which contain lots of preservatives and chemicals, should be avoided. Avoid excessive tea or coffee. Take herbal teas. Take boiled vegetables instead of raw. Vegetable soups, fresh fruits are good for you.
You should take meat soups (which should not be very spicy and sour). Milk and milk products are good for you. Ghee (butteroil), paneer (fresh cottage cheese) also should be taken. Nuts like almonds, dates etc. are good to take. Do not take very dry foods. Try to take unctuous food items. Avoid foods which are difficult to digest. Avoid tea, coffee, excessive fried and sour foods.
You may garnish your meals with turmeric, coriander powder, asafoetida, black pepper, fenugreek seeds, bay leaves, ginger, garlic etc.
I am writing some remedies which will give energy to your nervous system.
1. Boil three or four dates with one glassful of milk. Drink this milk once in morning and eat the dates too. If this suits you, do this remedy for two or three months.
2. Take two teaspoons of almond oil in one glass of luke warm milk at night at bed time. Pour three drops of it in your each nostril and inhale it.
3. Massage your head and soles with almond oil at bed time.
4, If you get herbs like ashwangdha and satavari. Prepare a combination of two in equal amount. Take one teaspoonful of it with water twice daily.
5. Garlic is most useful home remedy. Crush two garlic cloves, (duly removing the outer cover and inner pedical). Add this to a glass of milk. Boil it on a mild flame till one fourth glass remains. Filter and make two equal parts. One part in morning and one part in evening.
6. Enema of 100 ml. of castor oil may be taken daily at bed time. Do not think it is for clearing bowels. Enema in ayurvedic terminology it is “vasti” helps in balancing vata dosha.
Change in life style Increase your water intake at morning time. Drink 4 to 5 glass of water first thing in the morning. It is better to store water in copper pot at night and in the morning time drink it luke warm.
In my opinion you need some specified authentic herbal combination which will contain rasayana and rejuvenating herbs, which will give strength to your muscles. Gold preparations are very helpful for you. Like vatagajukash ras, brihit vata chitamani, trodasang gugglu, ashwagandha combinations etc.and specialised panchkarma treatment like swedana with special rice (called sali rice) this rice is cooked in decoction of “bala” and milk etc.
Angie Lindsey is a woman who is dedicated to share her knowledge about health issues. She runs numerous health websites, and also has written many articles such as where to buy flax seed oil and doctors for candida albicans
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